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8 Oct 2024

Devon Chambers welcomes Gemma McKernan and Kasim Khan who have commenced pupillage in October 2024.  Gemma will be undertaking a […]

8 Oct 2024

Sophie Johns provides an insight into the sentencing of Strangulation. Please click here to read more.

3 Oct 2024

On Saturday 21st September 2024, Devon Chambers hosted its very first “Pupillage Seminar”, an all day event designed to assist students […]

1 Oct 2024

Upon the successful completion of her pupillage, Devon Chambers is delighted to announce that Hetty Summerhayes has accepted an invitation […]

5 Aug 2024

Devon Chambers is once again hosting a pupillage seminar to assist potential Pupillage applicants with the often mystifying process of […]

13 May 2024

Devon Chambers are incredibly proud to announce that we have been awarded our Certificate of Recognition by the Bar Council […]

7 May 2024

Sally Daulton (representing Cornwall Council) appeared in the Court of Appeal in Re T (a child) (Adopting Hearing: Involvement of […]

26 Apr 2024

Sophie Johns provides an insight to the Attorney General’s Reference on A Point of Law No. 1 of 2023 Pursuant to section […]

23 Apr 2024

Charlie Barrass-Evans (representing the respondent mother) and James Adams (representing the respondent child) appeared in the Court of Appeal in […]

18 Mar 2024

Harriet Summerhayes examines the introduction of the offences of cyber flashing and sharing or threatening to share intimate photographs. Click […]